Fire attack against Mt. Hiei (比叡山焼き討ち)

The fire attack against Mt. Hiei was a fire attack mainly against Mt. Hiei.

Refer to the section of Dispute with Enryaku-ji Temple by Yoshinori ASHIKAGA or Feud between Enryaku-ji Temple and samurai families for the attack on Mt. Hiei by Yoshinori ASHIKAGA and the subsequent self-burning at the Konpon-chudo hall.

Refer to the section of Fire attack against Mt. Hiei (in 1499) for the fire attack against Mt. Hiei by Masamoto HOSOKAWA.

Refer to the section of Fire attack against Mt. Hiei (in 1571) for the fire attack against Mt. Hiei by Nobunaga ODA.

[Original Japanese]